Death Valley

Until my retirement a year ago, I only traveled out west during the summer, when the low-desert locations tend to be prohibitively hot.  But there is something very special about Death Valley.  I’ve been there once or twice every summer for the past fifteen years, and it is among my favorite places out west.  On your average summer day, at Badwater you can experience 120 degrees at 250 feet below sea level.  When you get burnt out on the heat, in 45 minutes you can be up in the Panamint Mountains at Mahogany Flat at 8300 feet in 75 degrees.  There is such diversity, and all of it is strange, surreal, unlike anywhere else. I never grow tired of it.

I’ll add notes about particular locations as I have time.

Click on the first image and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through the series.

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