San Rafael Swell and Capitol Reef

The “Out West” gallery omits some very special places that I am not willing to publicize.  The San Rafael Swell might fall under that category, but unfortunately it has become an informal OHV park, overrun with ATVs during tourist season.  They are like locusts, speeding around raising clouds of dust, seeing every canyon, hilltop, and steep slope as challenge, tearing up the wilderness.  There’s nothing wrong with using an ATV as a way to explore the wilderness, but slowly and carefully.  Increasing numbers of people are lobbying to have the whole San Rafael Swell region protected from these mechanized termites, and thus I want to publicize the area and encourage environmentally-conscious people to visit the area and lobby their legislators to enact legislation to protect this natural tereasure.  I’ll add more notes as I have time.

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